Does anyone have a copy of the complete Flocking the Sheep book with all the handwritten notes? Maybe it could be emailed to this lady for her reference. It wouldn't necessarily have to be in Finnish. I'm sure she has many competent translators at her disposal, so an English version, or probably any other language, should do nicely. The handwritten notes would show the WT's true intentions and policies, regardless of the legalese in the printed text.
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
ELDER BOOK surrender - FINLAND (also in Scandal/Coverups section)
by RagingBull injehovah's witnesses to hand over top-secret manualon friday finland's jehovah's witnesses will give their religious rule book to the minister of justice and the minister of the interior so that it can be inspected to ensure that it's in line with finnish rule of law.
jehovah's witnesses will hand over their secret rule book to the minister of justice, anna-maja henriksson, and the minister of the interior, paivi rasanen.
image: heikki saukkomaa / lehtikuva until now, only senior members of the jehovahs witnesses committee have had access to the congregation's secret book of rules.. the disciplinary activities of the jehovah's witnesses committee have been criticised for violating human rights.. according to anna-maja henriksson, finland's minister of justice, the purpose of the handover is to examine the book and determine whether its rules and regulations run counter to finnish law.. henriksson and interior minister paivi rasanen met on thursday with the leadership of the jehovah's witnesses in helsinki.
That does it ! I'm leaving ! ! !
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inleaving the university with my degree!.
exams are finished and it's just a matter of days before i walk.. i was certainly stressed about doing this.
i'm older than my classmates and armageddon was sooooo close!
under the radar
Congratulations Billy!!!
wild n reckless exjws... how many do u know?
by losingit insince my ex and i separated over a year ago, we have taken entirely different paths as ex jws.
i have primary custody of the girls.
i take them biking, to the park, hiking, and fir strolls in the neighborhood.
under the radar
Well, he can be as wild and reckless as he wants to be but he still has to pay child support. It's the law. Please don't let him get away with not doing so. Take him to court and make him pay... including all the payments he's missed. If you can't afford a lawyer on your on, there are agencies that will help you for free. Do not let him shift his responsibilities onto you or the public. That would be rewarding his bad behavior.
Best wishes as you learn to enjoy life free from slavery to the Watchtower. You go, girl!
Norman v Watchtower Bible And Tract Society Of Canada
by Bangalore innorman v watchtower bible and tract society of canada.. .
under the radar
It is sad that the Normans gave this money to the Society instead of to their family. But this was clearly their deliberate act. Who knows what went on behind closed doors, but strictly from the evidence presented in the court finding, it appears this was indeed their intention.
To give the Devil his due, and as much as I hate to admit it, it looks like the Society acted properly and above board in this matter. I'm sure there are plenty of instances where they did in fact cheat rightful heirs out of their inheritance, whether through legal shenanigans or undue influence on the "donors," but in this case there was no evidence presented that this was the situation.
Still, it's too bad the presumptive heirs lost out. In my view, the ruling was regrettable but legally correct.
Please submit 2ยข for this valuable opinion.
Ex-Jehovah's Witness success story
by Watchtower-Free inthis was just posted to facebook.¬if_t=group_comment_reply.
by christina jones.
under the radar
That is a wonderful story. I hope it is entirely true and not just another "heartwarming" fabrication that winds up doing more harm than good. People who write such things undoubtedly mean well, but when the truth comes out it undermines accounts that actually are factual in every detail.
Assuming it is a completely true account, I would offer this amazing young woman a couple of suggestions. First, take her deadbeat ex-husband to court and make him pay back child support. The way the courts are today, she should get a nice lump sum that will make life a bit more comfortable for herself and her children while also punishing the deadbeat sperm donor. He deserves it!
Second, I realize this was a Facebook posting and not a formal article submitted for publication, but since she is teaching grade school children and that probably includes English composition, she might consider geting a better spell checker and proofreading her own writing one more time. A teacher should not misuse/misspell words like "bare" and "loose." I'm sure she meant "bear" and "lose." If she used voice recognition softward to dictate the posting, that would explain the errors. There are some capitalization and punctuation errors as well, but there's no need to nitpick every apparent imperfection. I'm just saying that a teacher's writings should be error-free and set an example for her students to emulate. There are likely errors in this posting as well, but I am not a teacher and don't claim to be an exemplar for anyone.
All that aside, this amazing young lady should be heartily congratulated and encouraged in any way possible. Her courage and determination are shining examples of what a person can accomplish once he or she is freed from the shackles of superstition and blind obedience to those who presume to claim divine authority.
40 Years Today
by Still Totally ADD inyes that's right reopened mind and me have been married 40 years ago today.
we had a little party today at our uu congregation.
we brought wine for the pot luck dinner we had today.
under the radar
Congratulations! I am so glad you two found enduring happiness together. That's a wonderful achievement. May you have many more years together. Don't worry about that "God ending the marital arrangement" thing. I think you're pretty safe there...
Stephen Fry explains the purpose of life in 3 minutes (with pictures)
by besty in
under the radar
Great video! Thanks for posting it. I forwarded it to my adult son and my sweetheart. Lovely little free-thinking humanist she is...
newspaper is now naming names in OKLA cover up
by Jack Miller innewspaper now publicly names one of the local elders that covered up child abuse.
it is same elder that wt glorified before because of his work at nasa.. .
under the radar
Thanks for the clarification, everyone! I'm glad it wasn't the engineer who turned out to be a pedofile, but it's still a shame a person of his intelligence fell for the myths and superstitions of organized religion. What a waste of a powerful mind...
newspaper is now naming names in OKLA cover up
by Jack Miller innewspaper now publicly names one of the local elders that covered up child abuse.
it is same elder that wt glorified before because of his work at nasa.. .
under the radar
So is this the same NASA engineer with a different name, or someone else entirely?
I guess it is possible that the Society mentioned more than one person with a NASA background who bought into the cancer. What a pity! It's a shame when an educated person falls for the ancient superstitions and gives his mind over to a blanking cult.
What Ailed Those Pilots ... ?
by snowbird inthe pilots and crew of the missing plane, was something wrong with all of them?.
under the radar
I happen to be a 777 captain for a major US airline. I was in Asia all last week, including Singapore, which is very near where all this happened.
First off, the talking heads of the media have put out a lot of inaccurate and incomplete information. Some of things they've talked about should not have been revealed on TV. There are certain technical details that the public has no need to know. That kind of information only helps those with evil intent. Entertaining and/or informing the public does not justify revealing strategic information that can be used against you.
Another thing: it seems to me that the "authorities" are wasting considerable time chasing certain "clues" that capture the public's interest just so it will look like they're doing something. For example, the captain's home flight simulator. That kind of thing is nothing more than a glorified video game and cannot be used to learn to actually fly or to practice some new maneuver you want to do in an actual airplane. I believe he had a gamer's control wheel, which resembles an airplane control wheel, but you'd have none of the feel and control pressures of the real plane. And you operate most of the controls and switches in the "simulator" in a much different way than in the airplane. Trying to train for a "mission" with that would actually be counterproductive, even negative training. A pilot of his experience wouldn't need his simulator to train for whatever happened on that plane anyway. I don't think he had any involvment whatsoever in the incident. Of course, I don't know what happened, but I'd be shocked if he had anything to do with it.
The media is also making much about the fact that the copilot had invited people into the cockpit in the past. That is against the rules, but he couldn't have done it without the consent of whoever his captain was that day, so it wasn't something he did just on his own. And I don't think it has anything at all to do with what happened last week. If, and this is a big IF, he had anything to do with this, his trying to impress a couple of pretty girls a while back is unrelated. I'd be much more interested in finding out if he had strong political or religious beliefs and had possibly been radicalized recently. While I think that is very unlikely, it is much more pertinent that his showing off for young women on occasion.
For what it's worth, I believe our government has far better surveillance capabilities than is publicly known. Probably other governments do too. I would not be surprised if they know exactly what happened to that plane and where it is, but cannot reveal that information without giving away just how extensive and far-reaching those capabilities are. It could be a similar situation to when the British and Americans had broken the German and Japanese codes during World War II but didn't act on any information gained that way unless it could also have been gotten from at least two other sources. It was that important to keep the secret. Makes you wonder...